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Showing posts from February, 2012

Images of Skyrim

I've been enjoying the RPG game Skyrim since it was released November of last year. Impressive graphics as well as the outstanding art design of the game got me terribly hooked and well-immersed in the game universe. Just this month, I learned how to use mods for the game made by a community of incredibly talented and dedicated fans. So after experimenting with these, I merrily took a gajillion screencaps of my game. Here are a few that I've enhanced, retouched, recolored and basically beat the crap out of the pixels in photoshop. Note that these caps were taken at the lowest possible video settings. Dragon Slayer Soldier of the Empire More soon:)

Nude Sketch. Again.

Just a warm up piece I did last weekend to loosen the rusty fingerjoints... Markers on paper.