Dwarves are short but extremely powerful. Athasian dwarves average 4½ to 5 feet in height and tend to have a very large muscle mass - a full grown dwarf weighs in the neighborhood of 200 pounds. Lives of hard work in the hot sun leave them with a rich tan and rugged, calloused hands and feet. Dwarves can live up to 250 years. A dwarf's chief love is toil. A dwarf is never happier than when there is a cause to work or fight for, something he can approach with stoic singlemindedness for weeks, months, years, or even decades at a time. Once a dwarf's mind is committed to a certain task, he'll only set it aside after a great deal of grumbling and coercion. The fulfillment he achieves upon completion of a lengthy, difficult task is what he strives for. from Dark Sun Races Inspired by TSR's campaign setting of Athas, the world of the Dark Sun. The world is more primitive and more brutal than ordinary run of the mill medieval fantasy w...