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Showing posts from 2011
"Our liberty will not be secured at the sword's point...we must secure it by making ourselves worthy of it. And when a people reaches that height God will provide a weapon, the idols will be shattered, tyranny will crumble like a house of cards and liberty will shine out like the first dawn."  Jose Rizal  JosĆ© Protacio Mercado Rizal Alonso y Realonda June 19, 1861 ā€“ December 30, 1896

WIP: Woman on Blue

Work in progress; Acrylics

WIP: Woman on Red

Work in progress; acrylics

Storyboard Sequence: Rape of Manila 2

Another version of the animated sequence about the massacres perpetrated by Japanese soldiers during the Battle of Manila. Digital illustrations; 2011

Storyboard Sequence: Rape of Manila

Storyboard sequence for an animated piece: Digital illustration, 2011

Wolf Wood

Wolf Wood; Digital illustration; 2011

Winter Flight

Winter Flight; Digital illustration; 2011


T-shirt illustration; 2011

Big Pig

Big Pig logo; 2011

A Pig with Wings

  Book illustration for A Pig with Wings; 2002; Personal collection

Swamp Thing Sketch

Digital doodle; undated

Nude Sketch

Sketch; Ink with crayon

Wearable Art: Exterminate!

I'm a fan of the Dr. Who series and I wanted a Dalek tee. Daleks are a fictional extraterrestrial race of mutants from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. Daleks are cyborgs from the planet Skaro, genetically engineered mutants integrated within a tank-like or robot-like mechanical shell. Daleks  are a bent on universal conquest and domination, utterly without pity, compassion or remorse. EXTERMINATE! Cleanse the unclean! Total obliteration disintegrate! The Dalek tees were printed for me by Serigrafx.

Wearable Art: Charge!

Inspired by my toy soldier hobby and features the ubiquitous Airfix American Marines a lot of guys my age had as kids. I still have these in both 1/72 and 1/32 scales:) Printed by Serigrafx.

R.I.P. Steve Jobs

"...because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.ā€ R.I.P. Steve Jobs

Pisces 2

Pisces tattoo design version 2; Digital, 2011

Pisces 1

Pisces tattoo design version 1; Digital, 2011

Wearable Art: Starting a T-Shirt Collection

The t-shirt bug bit me. A chance visit at a local t-shirt store sparked an interest in t-shirts and now I've begun a collection of shirts. My criteria for choosing the shirts is short and simple: 1. It's funny 2. Or it's well illustrated/designed 3. Or it appeals to my geek interests 4. they have it in my size:) this is a deal breaker... So here goes: The design's a spoof of the WW2 British poster that says " Keep Calm and Carry On." The original design was released in 1939 by the British Ministry of Information and was intended to be distributed in order to strengthen morale in the event of a German invasion of the UK. The very British sentiment of keeping cool even under extreme duress made the design popular and was the decorative theme for a range of printed products. The parodied design above is in colloquial Filipino which roughly translates into " Keep calm and DENY EVERYTHING " -- a witty and tongue in cheek dig at Pinoy machismo ...

Artist Quick Peek: Erik Katukomal's BASAGTUKA

I enjoy working with creative people, especially those who share the same interests but approach these interests from different perspectives. It's always a revelation to hear them talk about things that matter to them, their passion for art, their highs and lows. In honor of these co-workers and fellow practitioners, I'm starting a series of quick peeks of their work. From the drawing table of writer/illustrator Erik Katukomal, comes "Basagtuka". In colloquial Filipino, the term basag-ulo is an idiom literally meaning "head basher" and is usually referred to one who frequently indulges in violence. Erik rehashes the idiom using "tuka" or "beak" in English and delivers a POV story about fighting cocks. The story is in Filipino and has great line work. Erik Katukomal's BASAGTUKA at Pilosopotassium . Enjoy!

Molo Church Tower

Sketch of Molo Church Tower; Ink on paper; 2009; Private Collection

3rd at GMA's Art Gap 10

Here's my Art Gap Caricature contest entry -- presenting Mr. Jimmy Duavit! The lovely and super talented tattoo diva Mia Claravall-Reyes drops by the exhibit. I'm so honored and I scream for ten minutes:) Thanks for the support, Mia! Some friends at the office celebrated 5 years of working for GMA this month and they were honored with a video, a program and of course a big, fat, juicy bonus! Congratulations!   I won 3rd place in the caricature contest! Leo (the handsome devil on my right) won second and Carol won the grand prize. Mr. Duavit and Mr. Gozon hand us our awards -- plaques and envelopes with fresh, crisp moolah:)   Here's the mysterious and camera-shy Leo with his pretty and talented fiance Candy. Leo's also an art director and Candy's a writer. This award-winning team recently joined our department and has promised to feed us pizza often. Much to the delight of Mia.

Jimmy Duavit Caricature

I recently joined an on-the-spot caricature contest at my office. A few days before the contest proper, all the contestants drew names of the people they'll be making caricatures of and I drew Mr. Jimmy Duavit's name. Mr Duavit is GMA Network's Executive Vice President and COO. He's very pleasant to work with (there were quite a few times I was able to present my storyboards to him personally), has a deep baritone voice and smokes a lot. I decided to emphasize his brows and grin together with his ever present cigarette. The big hurdle was that I've never really tried my hand in making caricatures. Portraits were a bit easy but demanded time and caricatures demanded emphasizing something other than just likeness. Plus the contest was under a time limit of 1 hour. So I opted to rely on my pens and markers. Suffice it to say I was nervous during the contest and just set my mind to having fun. Surprisingly, I finished early at around fifteen minutes from the start of...

Celebrating 150 years of Jose Rizal: Mi Ultimo AdiĆ³s

Adios, Patria adorada, region del sol querida, Perla del Mar de Oriente, nuestro perdido Eden! A darte voy alegre la triste mustia vida, Y fuera mĆ”s brillante mĆ”s fresca, mĆ”s florida, Tambien por tĆ­ la diera, la diera por tu bien. En campos de batalla, luchando con delirio Otros te dan sus vidas sin dudas, sin pesar; El sitio nada importa, ciprĆ©s, laurel Ć³ lirio, Cadalso Ć³ campo abierto, combate Ć³ cruel martirio, Lo mismo es si lo piden la patria y el hogar. Yo muero cuando veo que el cielo se colora Y al fin anuncia el dĆ­a trĆ”s lĆ³brego capuz; Si grana necesitas para teƱir tu aurora, Vierte la sangre mĆ­a, derrĆ”mala en buen hora Y dĆ³rela un reflejo de su naciente luz. Mis sueƱos cuando apenas muchacho adolescente, Mis sueƱos cuando joven ya lleno de vigor, Fueron el verte un dĆ­a, joya del mar de oriente Secos los negros ojos, alta la tersa frente, Sin ceƱo, sin arrugas, sin manchas de rubor. EnsueƱo de mi vida, mi ardiente vivo anhelo, Salud te grita el alma que...

Celebrating 150 years of Jose Rizal

Jose Rizal (June 19, 1861ā€“ December 30, 1896), the foremost Filipino patriot, an ophthalmologist, poet, journalist, novelist, biologist, political scientist, painter and polyglot. Digital illustration; 2011 My Final Farewell Farewell, dear Fatherland, clime of the sun caress'd Pearl of the Orient seas, our Eden lost!, Gladly now I go to give thee this faded life's best, And were it brighter, fresher, or more blest Still would I give it thee, nor count the cost. On the field of battle, 'mid the frenzy of fight, Others have given their lives, without doubt or heed; The place matters not-cypress or laurel or lily white, Scaffold or open plain, combat or martyrdom's plight, T is ever the same, to serve our home and country's need. I die just when I see the dawn break, Throug...

Basa: the GMA News TV Reading Advocacy PSA #1

I work as an art director for a major network in the Philippines. Part of my work for the company involves developing PSAs or Public Service Announcements for advocacies or causes the network believes in. In time for the opening of classes all over the country this June 6, 2011, we developed a series of PSAs promoting reading as an important tool in improving lives. The series was written and conceptualized by George Moya, our assistant creative director, myself as art director, Rolly Magpayo as videographer, Neil Iguiz as production designer, as well as the creative talent of the people at GMa Network's post production department. As it sometimes goes with non-profit PSAs, these were done with no budget. Not "a little", not "some", but NO budget. To get around the minor problem of not having any money to spend on production, we enlisted the aid of fellow art director Rolly and his lenses, the department Canon camera, as well as footage previously shot by GMa...

Nude sketch 2

Digital illustration; 2011

Nude sketch

Digital sketch; 2011


Here's the final version of a piece I made for a friend. It took some time to get the composition right as well as the likeness but coloring it went very well and I ended up pretty much happy with the result.

Autism: Accept Different

Logo I designed for my sister's autism awareness advocacy.

More Promos for QTV: Women's Desk

  Check out my vids here.

Promos for QTV: Women's Desk

Some previous screens I designed for GMA network. The show Women's Desk was hosted by Rhea Santos and tackled women's and children's issues especially those concerning abuse. These promos were written by Giorjean Mutuc with my art direction and illustration. Animation by GMA videographics. All of these were 30 seconders. Some samples of my work can be seen here . Enjoy!